Monday, March 20, 2017

Think outside the box

Generalizing and oversimplifying is seldom a good idea, but it's hard not to think of stereotypes when you have to describe the average American. Fast food, soccer moms, religious sects, cowboys and many more plain old pictures come to mind. In no time I find several maps that back uå my own prejudices. Some are humouristic, others are actually based on facts.

Yet after having given it some thought, I want to mention UNIFORMS as a typical American feature. Way back in history, native Indians already wore tribal costumes that we know from cartoons like Yakari , western films or maybe from your own childhood carneval parties. 
Also, I think of all sports shirts worn proudly by both active and passive players as well as their cheerleaders' revealing outfits. 

School uniforms are another typical garnment, becoming increasingly popular. Nearly 1 in 5 public schools in the US required uniforms in 2010, according to USAtoday. The remaining schools often enforce a strict dresscode policy. It seems that parents appreciate uniforms most, because they leave less room to quarrel over what to wear :) 

The uniform I personally love the most is the graduation gown. I was  so proud of my daughter when she got to wear it at graduation day last year! For me the dress and cap are symbols not only of the educational system but also of pride and perseverence. Who knows, maybe one day you get to wear one of these?
Here you see Wietske with her American host family,
on graduation day at Pleasant Valley high School.

What is it that you associate with American culture? Write a blog post about typical American symbols in week 12. And remember to think outside the box ;) 

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