Monday, April 3, 2017

Who is going to pay?

My employees are immigrants and my customers are immigrants - we depend on them. says a kitchen manager in Charlotte, North Carolina, to a journalist in the Guardian.

However, president Trump does not seem to think that way. He is dead set on stopping illegal immigration, especially those 'wetbacks' crossing the Mexican border. He is going to build a wall and guess who is going to pay for it? Watch this video and find out.

Map showing where there is already a fence between the US and Mexico border
This physical barrier will protect the 1900 miles long border, not only keeping out America's working force but also migrating animals and birds. Natural ecosystems are not important?? If I were Trump I would at least listen to construction contractors who advise a see-through fence instead of a concrete wall. But I feel the whole idea is horrifying and reminds me of fenced-in Jews at Auschwitz.

In the meantime. volunteers are still out there, patrolling border areas to find and rescue immigrants in need. At the same time other troops are doing the exact same thing, patrolling, yet in order to arrest and send back the poor refugees. I know which kind of patrol I would sign up for!

In week 14 you can write a post on how you feel about immigrant policy in the US. Good writing!